We asked Dora Ng, OAA, AIA, to look back to 2017 and the beginnings of AIA Canada Society, one of currently seven regional AIA International chapters. Dora has been part of AIA Canada Society since the very beginning and currently serves on the board as their Vice President.
Qatar revisited - Public art
Qatar Revisited - Innovative stadium design
With the 2022 football World Cup the global media put the spotlight on Qatar. Much has been said already about the years leading up to the World Cup when architects were busy creating the necessary venues and infrastructure. But how is the legacy of the World Cup shaping up for Qatar now that the football circus has left the country?
Public Transit and the Urban Housing Crisis
Benefits touted by Germany's €9 ticket: lowering commuting costs, encouraging public transit, and reducing road congestion, along with the clear environmental advantages of the electric rail. These incentives may see ramifications to urban planning further down the road. Could consistent subsidies in public transit change the development and urban planning over time?
AIA International Global Mentorship Program session: Finding your Mountain with Leo MacLeod
Treasurer 2024-2025 – Call for Nominations
President's Letter - March 2023
Hello, Everyone!
Welcome to AIA International’s first Newsletter of 2023.
Masks are now “officially” off in Japan – and most places around the world. Most travel restrictions have also been lifted. It has been a slow slog freeing ourselves of the COVID pandemic. It still exists, but life almost everywhere is indeed getting back to normal.
AIAISC'23 - AIA International Spring Conference recap
Call for Mentors: AIA International Global Mentorship Program
AIA International Section Formation
International Fellows Update - March 2023
The International Representatives to the Council of Fellows, George Kunihiro, Sherif Anis and Steven Miller, were happy to present a lecture as part of the AIA International Spring Conference on March 11. We hope that the presentation by Giancarlo Alhadeff and Prof. Li Xiaodong about projects across Japan, China, Turkey and Europe was of interest to those attending…
A. Eugene (Gene) Kohn FAIA RIBA JIA, Co-Founder of Global Architecture Firm Kohn Pedersen Fox, Dies at 92
Gene Kohn shaped the firm he co-founded into one of the most impactful architectural practices in the world through a strong belief that relationships are the foundation of success.
AIA Canada Society Update - March 2023
AIA Continental Europe Update - March 2023
AIA Hong Kong Update - March 2023
AIA Japan Update - March 2023
AIA Middle East Update - March 2023
AIA UK Update - March 2023
On Thursday 16 February 2023, the landmark UK-US architect Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) between the UK Architects Registration Board (ARB) and the US National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) was officially signed in London at the Old Admiralty Building Churchill Room.