Event Partnership

2024 Opportunities

Please contact our Sponsorship Director at administrativedirector@aiainternational.org.

The AIA International Conference in Hong Kong on 24-27 October 2024

Please contact us at info@aiahk.org for sponsorship opportunities at our conference.

For other event partnership opportunities with AIA International, please contact our Sponsorship Director at administrativedirector@aiainternational.org.

Welcome to an exciting opportunity to partner with us on AIA International events across the globe! As you navigate through this webpage and peruse our comprehensive brochure, you'll uncover a treasure trove of benefits and distinctive advantages awaiting those who join us as esteemed partners in this remarkable event.

Whether you're a corporation aiming to amplify brand recognition, a community entity eager to engage with a diverse audience, or an individual driven by the desire to contribute to something truly extraordinary, we extend a warm invitation for you to delve into how collaboration with us can propel your ambitions to unprecedented heights.

In addition to various partnership levels, we offer affordable contribution options and full exposure opportunities, ensuring maximum visibility for your brand, organization, or personal endeavors. Embrace the opportunity to leave a lasting imprint and craft indelible memories for all participants. Let's embark on this journey together, creating experiences that will resonate far beyond borders.

Email US

FAO Sponsorship Director, administrativedirector@aiainternational.org.

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