AIA Middle East Update - September 2021

AIA Middle East new sponsor - Cove.tool

We are pleased to welcome Cove.tool as a sponsor of the AIA Middle East. Cove.tool has the power to help us design more sustainable buildings & spaces and is well aligned with our goal of a more sustainable & resilient built environment.

The company is led by CEO Sandeep Ahuja and is based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Cove.tool, an end-to-end automated performance analysis for energy, daylight LEED, and more helps architects and engineers reduce construction cost while achieving performance targets. Cove.tool has partnered with AIA Middle East to introduce the software to architects and engineers in the middle east and support teams using Revit, Sketchup, Archicad and Rhino workflows.

The tool allows a reduction in analysis time by 66% per project by using automated performance modelling.


AIA Middle East Webinar Series - For a Novel Architecture

AIA Middle East hosted an online lecture on July 21 by Karim Nader.

AIA ME Lebanon hosted the webinar by the founder of Karim Nader Studio and author of For a Novel Architecture, ciné-roman 2000-2020.

Three fundamental themes are elaborated in his book; “Home upon nature”, or the problem of being at home and architecture as shelter, “Reprise [Beirut]”, or the problem of building on ruins, both in urban and rural contexts, and “Cinematic Architecture”, or the quality of the architectural experience as lived in movement and in time and space.

 The work of Karim Nader tends to reflect on historical and urban questions in cities facing disaster, in particular Beirut. It also exposes contemporary architecture and connects philosophy to the practice.


Webinar - The Emerging Role of Computational Design in the MENA Region

AIA Middle East hosted an online lecture on July 10 by Dr. Sherif Abdelmohsen.

Architecture is continuously undergoing dramatic transformations by virtue of technology and computational design methods and approaches.

This lecture addressed recent advances in computational design and building technology in practice and academia in the MENA region, and introduced the role of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD) as a key player in the region in facilitating communication and information exchange regarding the use of computational design in architecture, planning and building science.


Webinar - Architecture Without Buildings, Edging Towards Zero

AIA Middle East hosted an online lecture on June 26 by Akram Abu Hamdan.

This talk looked at a transformational pattern in the development of science, art and architecture that has over the last 120 years achieved substantial reductions in mass and material components, in apparent and effective attempts at abstracting matter in favor of weightlessness and space.

The speaker aimed to provoke a debate about the destiny of architecture and to predict, albeit controversially, a future of architecture without buildings.

The speaker also suggested that this momentum is being driven by a collective subconscious ascetic-like quest, by the human race, to reach a higher state of being.


Webinar - Designing Day-lit, Glare-free, Energy Efficient Buildings in Budget 

AIA Middle East hosted an online lecture on June 22 by Sandeep Ahuja.

This webinar looked at how shifting energy codes are challenging architects with a wide array of parameters to balance like energy, cost, daylight, views, and embodied carbon. Hiring a consultant for every kind of analysis is a burden on fees.

Many architects are harnessing simulation to shape the design and details of their projects. To be successful, teams must understand the levers that impact the performance and set up processes for success.

This session dove into two case studies to generate beautiful analysis graphics and see how to shape the narrative in a data driven design process.

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