President's Letter - December 2021

President’s Letter

December 2021

Dear Colleagues,

This is my last newsletter article written as your President, as I prepare to hand over the reins.  It has been both an honor and a privilege to serve in this capacity for the last two years, and as President-Elect for two years before that.  Each President and Board builds upon the work of their predecessors, and I’ve been incredibly lucky to have followed in the footsteps of Tom Vonier, Christine Bruckner, James Wright, and Thierry Paret.  The last two years have seen some developments for AIA International which include:

  • The Country and Regional Representative program is now fully established.  We have a network of outstanding representatives in 20 countries and regions, and we see several countries joining in 2022.

  • We have created a virtual conference format that brings together the seven International chapters and the Country/Regional Representatives to present a program that is superb in terms of content and breadth and is the envy of the larger AIA community.

  • By working together we have enhanced our collective voice within the overall AIA.  We are helping to make the AIA as a whole more aware and responsive to global issues and to share in best practices that originate outside of the continental United States.

  • Our 2020 Virtual Conference registration exceeded the attendance of the virtual AIA National convention of that same year, and we had speakers such as Moshe Safdie, Balkrishna Doshi, and Francis Kéré.

  • We have emphasized the building of partnerships and alliances with international professional organizations, such as the UIA, RIBA, RAIC, AsBEA, CAU, ASSC, ASC, CAM-SAM, KIA, UAP, and others. We have involved them in AIA International events and symposia. We recognize that the AIA as a whole is stronger when it works together with other organizations.

  • Our 2021 Spring Conference, presented virtually, showcased best practices from around the world on sustainability and resilience in the built environment.  Once again, this conference demonstrated the immense depth and breadth of knowledge and design excellence embedded throughout our global profession.  We realize that by working together, we create something that well exceeds the sum of its parts.

  • We’ve instituted a ‘Women in Architecture’ program, in partnership with RIBA Sri Lanka, that has featured in several of our conferences, and showcases the achievements of outstanding architects from around the world.  Speakers included Jeanne Gang, Annabelle Selldorf, Doriana Fuksas, Yasmeen Lari, Morag Myerscough, Elizabeth Chu Richter, and many others.

  • The Design Awards continue from strength to strength.  The quality of the submissions and winners is outstanding and is a ‘jewel in the crown’ of the entire AIA community.  We are in the multi-year process of integrating the design awards programs of the seven chapters with that of AIA International to create a true ‘World Series’ of design excellence.

  • We established a centralized webinar platform that we shared free-of-charge with the seven Chapters and the Country/Regional representatives.  The webinar platform was too expensive for an individual chapter, but generated phenomenal benefits to the wider international community.

  • We’ve created a centralized CES library, working in partnership with all seven Chapters, that now has several hundred lectures and seminars available on-demand, many of which are eligible for continuing education credit.  The administration is managed by AIA International and is available through the AIA International website.

  • We have started to better integrate the Honorary Fellows into the AIA International community.  The AIA’s Honorary Fellows represent some of the most distinguished architects in the world, and this is a phenomenal resource for the AIA International membership.  2022 will see us with Honorary Fellows serving on AIA International board committees with a direct focus on working with integrating the Honorary Fellows.

  • We have continued with our popular in-person annual conferences.  2021 saw us in Dubai for a fabulous conference expertly organized by the AIA Middle East.  Planning is well underway for our 2022 conference in London, and 2023 will see us travelling to Mexico City.

  • We have started to produce hybrid events, i.e., a combination of in-person and virtual, and our aim is that post-Covid we can offer the International community the opportunity to virtually participate in major in-person events offered by AIA International, the seven chapters, and the Country/Regional Representatives.

  • We have established an Emerging Professionals (EP) committee and an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) working group that are coordinating and sharing best practices among all seven chapters and the Country/Regional Representatives.

As I move away from the presidency, I will be serving AIA International as its representative to AIA’s Strategic Council for the next three years.  I wish Scott Gold, the incoming President, the best of luck with leading the ship for the next two years, and he will have my full support as well as that of the Board and the international community.

Over and out.

Lester Korzilius; FAIA, RIBA
2020-2021 AIA International President