First Vice President 2025 – Call for Nominations – Submit by Thursday 20 June

Dear Members of AIA International,

We are seeking nominations for the position of AIA International First Vice President, to serve on the board for a term from January 2025 through December 2025 (as First Vice President); from January 2026 through December 2027 (as President); from January 2028 through December 2028 (as Immediate Past President).

UPDATE: Deadline extended to Thursday 20 June.

The President is the chief officer of AIA International, performing all duties incidental to the office, those required by law and the Bylaws, and those properly delegated to the office by the Board of Directors. The President chairs the Board of Directors, ensuring the integrity of Board process. The President may make decisions on behalf of the Board in a manner consistent with Board policies and speak for the Board to outside parties.

The First Vice President shall assume all the powers and the duties of the President in the event of absence or disability of the President, and shall perform other duties assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors.  

Any current members in good standing of AIA International including Architects, Associates, and International Associates may be nominated. 

The nomination form is available here: 2025 Vice President Nomination.

Please note the candidate video is optional.

Nominations for First Vice President may be submitted:

  • By the Board of Directors

  • By any AIA chapter located outside the United States

  • Through a petition containing the signatures of ten eligible members. A copy of the petition may be found at If not all the nominating members are able to sign one petition form, multiple forms may be used to collect the required ten signatures.

Please submit your nominations to the Executive Director, Genie Khmelnitski, by the *extended deadline* of Thursday 20 June, 2024, at 5:00pm (Eastern US Time).

For additional information or any questions, please contact:


Sincerely yours,

Segene Park, AIA

2023-2024 Secretary