Strategic Council Update - June 2024

The annual business meeting of the AIA was held at the AIA24 convention in Washington, DC on June 5th , addressing a number of issues pertinent to the international community. Several proposed bylaws amendments concerning membership categories, including students, academics, associates, and international members, were discussed, but none passed. Of particular note was the proposal to change the designation of AIA 'International Associate' to 'Internationally Licensed Architectural Professional'. 

The main concern raised was for international architects residing in the United States who are not licensed in the country. It was decided that AIA leadership would refine these proposals to address member concerns for presentation at next year’s annual business meeting. 

On a separate issue, there is an open call for AIA members to join various committees, offering an opportunity to share your experience and learn from others. Interested members can find more information at AIA Volunteer Opportunities. 

For those unfamiliar, the Strategic Council serves as an advisory group to the AIA National Board of Directors. Its main roles are to represent the interests of the councilor’s constituents, and to strategize long-term goals for the profession and AIA’s adaptation to industry changes. AIA International and most U.S. states have one representative on the Strategic Council, with larger states (e.g., California, New York, Texas, etc.) having more representatives due to their size. 

Concerning the long-term thinking of the profession, the Strategic Council is currently divided into workgroups focusing on key topics: 

  • Design / Artificial Intelligence 

  • Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) 

  • Climate 

  • Value of Architecture 

  • Wellbeing, envompassing corporate and firm culture 

Mark your calendars for the Women’s Leadership Summit, scheduled for October 8-10, 2024, in Chicago. For more details on this event and others, please visit AIA Community Events. 


Lester Korzilius; FAIA, RIBA 
Strategic Council Representative