AIA Intl SE Asia 2022 Fall Symposium

AIA International SE ASIA 2022 Fall Symposium was an inaugural regional event, organized in collaboration with the Country Representatives of Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam. It was held as a zoom event that spread over slightly more than four hours on Friday, September 02, 2022. This symposium was made available free of charge for to all AIA International and National members. As a leadership platform, it brought together the best thought leaders and practising architects from the SE Asia region to engage in a discourse on the theme Leadership in Design and Practice. The symposium featured Dr. Ken Yeang, Hon FAIA, APAM, FSIA and RIBA as the keynote and three speakers, each selected by the AIA International Country Representative for his or her country. They were Erik L’Heureux, FAIA (Singapore), Nguyen Hoang Manh, MA (Vietnam) and William Ti, Intl Assoc. AIA, UAP (Philippines). This symposium looked at different aspects of leadership, across a broad spectrum of design, practice and stewardship, through a series of instructive talks and personal narratives.

More than sixty members registered for this event, with 4.0 learning units earned. Interested members can watch the Videos on demand and earn AIA CES credits by taking the accompanying Quiz here:


Yew Kee Cheong, AIA
First Vice President, AIA International