2023 Membership Renewals

Dear AIA International Members,

Somehow we are coming to the end of 2022 already, which means you will soon be receiving a letter inviting you to renew your membership for next year.

We would like to say a big THANK YOU for being a member and encourage you to renew for 2023.

This past year, AIA International has strived to offer varied educational and social events for our members. Next year, we look forward to bringing you more exciting events, including our virtual Spring Conference and the International conference in the Autumn in Mexico City. We will maintain our prestigious Design Awards, and continue growing our expansive library of online events.

As of 2022, we are now an AIA chartered component serving all of the members assigned to the International chapters. We also directly serve international members who do not currently have a local chapter. To support this, we have volunteer Country Representatives leading our efforts in over a dozen countries.

With this restructuring, AIA International dues will now appear as a separate item on your renewal invoice. Previously, our dues were gathered via the chapters. We have always tried to keep our dues low and continue to do so; during the pandemic, we utilised our reserves to suspend International dues for a limited time.

We believe that AIA International provides good value to our members at every career stage. However, we recognise that the cost might be a barrier to some members. Therefore, we want to remind you to contact us or your local chapter if you are experiencing financial hardship, and we will try to find the best solution for you.

Once again, we hope you renew your membership for 2023, and continue to help shape our growing global community!

With warm regards,

Scott Gold, AIA, SAME
AIA International President