This regular briefing aims to better inform members of the work and activities of the AIA Strategic Council. Visit the AIA Strategic Council to learn more.
Gregory Yager, FAIA, AIA Strategic Committee Councilor
Moderator and Vice Moderator Message
Throughout this summer all of the Areas of Study and Sprints have been making great strides in their investigations. In the following information you will see that much of the focus this last month has been on outreach beyond the Council and beyond the AIA.
As you may or may not know the Strategic Council elects one At-Large Director to the Board. This month the Council heard from the five, very qualified, candidates running for that position and will elect one before the end of the month. Those candidates are: Dougherty, Lesniewski, McClenaghan, Welker, Zambrano. The Council is also in the process of electing next year's moderator. Korey White is running unopposed for that position.
Finally, we have established a new SPRINT called “Clarify the Council” being chaired by Kevin Alford, AIA with a 2-3 month timeline.
2021 Areas of Study
Diversity SPRINT – (a short term exercise within the larger objective)
Abstract: Explore the impact of diversity within the Strategic Council and the new States representation model.
In the seven years that the Strategic Council has existed, the opportunities and impact to affect change has increased as its diversity has grown. Working with the Institute and the Region Implementation Task Force and allied organizations, the Task Force is developing messaging to address councilor selection criteria based on qualifications, broad-based diversity, and public interface. Additionally, we are developing a format to educate AIA components and allied organizations on the role and function of the council via, videos, briefs and presentations.
Scalable Climate Action SPRINT (a short term exercise within the larger objective) –
Abstract: Catalyze the architectural practice at all scales/regions to fully implement climate action in the next two decades.
Our sprint is rapidly moving along and currently in the final review stage. We’ve identified 6 levers of change that could accelerate a “snowball effect” so that architectural practices integrate climate action into their practices in the next ten years. Our report will summarize actionable recommendations in each topic and a Roadmap with specific incremental goals at all scales – from individual to firm, to community, to national. We are coordinating our work with stakeholders across the organization and beyond and look forward to sharing it with the full Council this summer.
Rural + Suburban Agenda –
Abstract (WHY): DESIGN a Rural + Suburban agenda identifying resources for our members and communities within which they practice!
We conducted regional + suburban professional workshops with NY, PA, MN and SD. These are interactive sessions (Zoom and MURAL) with AIA members, who predominantly practice in rural + suburban areas. The information we are gathering is highlighting the opportunities and challenges with how the AIA can support professionals who practice in these communities. We have reached and completed virtual information meetings with universities including Montana State, Washington State, North Carolina State, University of Arkansas, and Kansas State. These institutions, and many others, have community design centers and active studies in rural + suburban environments. Look to be involved with a virtual workshop coming to your region soon or the live workshop at the ASPIRE Conference in Ashville, NC, September 14th!
Housing & Infrastructure –
Abstract: Create AIA pathways to support architects’ reach to champion equitable housing and communities.
The Challenge: Demand for affordable and equitable housing is rising at a faster rate than the design and construction industry can currently meet.
Our work has brought into focus, in order to thrive in the new environmental, social, and economic contexts, communities must successfully integrate equitable housing. We are identifying opportunities for the AIA to support architects’ efforts to affirm the right to housing. Pathways to achieving this goal should be a primary commitment within the AIA. Our group is aligning with KC’s among others to suggest specific actions/tools that can be implemented by the AIA to expand capacity and influence in this arena.
Mental Health –
Abstract: We will build a bridge between existing mental health expertise and the architecture profession.
The Mental Health group is working to assemble a third roundtable with Knowledge Communities. Additionally, the group is celebrating a presentation that will be given based on the work of the group last year at the ASPIRE conference. The group is in conversation with the California COTE committee and planning to host a joint session. We are working on a schedule to engage more members across the organization to discuss mental health and architecture.
Technology Impacting Practice (TIP) -
Abstract: To expand TIP’s 2020 Summit Call to Action to a Resolution in New Ways of Practice, Delivery & Monetization.
Tip AoS has identified a roadmap to bring consensus on AIA’s Framework for Digital Transformation and has prepared a series of matrices that will also help synthesize findings and resolution. The four topics that will be asked across the AIA’s Business, Institute, Components, Members and Allied Members are: How to create a FRAMEWORK for Digital Transformation, Create an innovation & development body, Develop a ROADMAP "No Firm left Behind, Identify TOOLKITS & RESOURCES to enhance the digital offerings for members future needs.
First step: Complete the 1st matrix.
Second step: Define the opportunity and then create the hypothesis which proves
or disapproves the need for the opportunity.
Third step: Validate the hypothesis. Talk to stake holders. Small Firm Exchange, Large firm Forums, the KC’s, the Business side of the AIA dealing with Technology, etc.
Fourth step: Year end report to the SC to establish the priorities for the AIA to
take the next step
Fifth Step: Create a convention resolution on findings to bring to the AIA BOD
and or the Membership during A’22.
Strategic Council Connectors
Connectors have met as a team and agreed to review the status of three overarching goals with Areas of Study (AoS) leaders at Steering Committee Calls. Each AoS team will also create a ‘bike rack’ spot on their Mural workbooks to track issues related to the themes for Connectors to review on an ongoing basis.
The Strategic Council advances the architecture profession by informing the Board and other Institute bodies about important professional issues, opportunities, and threats. Although it is not an AIA governing body, the Council’s work is vital to AIA’s ability to serve the profession. The Council approaches its tasks with an emphasis on an outward and forward-focused vision.
Website: Visit the AIA Strategic Council for more details.