International Union of Architects (UIA)


Architects from 27 countries formed the International Union of Architects in 1948. Their purpose: to unify the profession, influence policies shaping buildings and communities, and advance society through architecture and urban design.

Today, with some 130 national member sections, the UIA is the only global organisation representing the world’s 3.2 million architects.

The UIA carries out many programmes in partnership with UNESCO and UN Habitat, including major international design competitions, global sustainable development initiatives, and the validation of architecture education programmes. The UIA also manages Architecture Practice Around the World, the only authoritative global database on the profession.

Through its multiple working bodies, the UIA focuses on key topics of worldwide interest and concern, including architecture for children, public health, accessibility, and heritage. Several AIA members, including a number active in AIA International, are at the helm of key UIA Commissions and Work Programmes.

Every three years, the UIA holds the World Congress of Architects, a giant assembly of architects from across the globe. The most recent Congress was in Seoul. The next—with both digital and live events—will be in Rio de Janeiro, from 18-22 July 2021 (postponed from dates originally scheduled in 2020).

Rio de Janeiro also enjoys distinction as the first UIA/UNESCO World Capital of Architecture, a prestigious designation highlighting the important historical and cultural status of the city’s architecture and geography. Copenhagen will host the 2023 World Congress.

Architects, educators, and students are welcome to participate in the World Congress, an event rich in opportunities for education and exchange with peers from other countries. Full details are available on

Thomas Vonier, FAIA RIBA

UIA President

Latest Updates

Professional Practice Commission: The UIA Secretariat issued a press release on 7 December 2020 announcing the completion of software development and initial testing of the Architecture Practice Around the World (APAW) database. Throughout January 2021 all 130+ national member sections of the UIA will be completing the responses to the database for their respective countries, with hopes that in February the APAW will fully launch and become a publicly available resource.  The AIA and the NCARB were the primary forces behind the APAW initiative.

The APAW includes information organized in seven categories: General Statistics (general population, number of architects, gross national product, etc.); Licensure Requirements (experience or internship requirements, examinations, etc.); Education (standards and requirements); Regulatory Information (title and function protection, regulating organizations, code of ethics, copyright protection, etc.); Practice Requirements (practice scope limitations, permissible services, liability insurance, continuing professional development, etc.); Procurement Information (methods to obtain commissions, information on compensation for services); International Practice Issues (citizenship/residency requirements, established mutual recognition agreements, etc.).

Sustainable Development Goals Commission: The SDG Commission is currently leading an inter-commission effort involving both the Education Commission and the Professional Practice Commission in developing continuing professional development policies and resources based on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Education Commission: The UIA Education Commission have scheduled the jury meeting for the inaugural UIA Innovation in Architectural Education Prize.  Open to colleges, schools, departments or programs of architecture worldwide, the award aims to recognize excellence in architectural and urban design education.  Results are expected to be announced in mid-February. 

Competitions: The UIA has endorsed an UNESCO-sponsored architectural competition for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Al Nouri complex in Basra, Iraq.  This “Revive the Spirit of Mosul” is co-sponsored by the Government of the United Arab Emirates, the Prime Minister of Iraq, and the UN Secretary-General.

Endorsed by the UIA since 2012, the winners of the annual UIA-HYP Cup International Design Competition were recently announced.  Out of 448 submissions, “OldCity Pacemaker” by Huang Luyao, Wang Jupeng, Liu Jixin and Zheng Xiaoqi.

ALE Studio of Spain was announced winner of the ideas competition for a new central business district in Thessaloniki, Greece. The UIA was represented on the jury. 

World Congress: The 27th World Congress and General Assembly is scheduled for Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on 18-22 July 2021.  Planning is underway for a mixed live/virtual event.

James Wright, FAIA NCARB

U.S. Director and Past President, AIA International Region