AIA Canada Update - Dec 2020

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AIA Canada in 2020

This year saw the launch of the first ever AIA Canada Design Awards. Please go here to view the winners:

We held our AGM on November 12.

We delivered several webinars for our membership over the course of the year. Our continuing education initiative culminated at the IR Virtual Conference, where we presented several courses, including one in partnership with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. 

AIA Canada in 2021 and beyond

The Board will recommence in January its strategic planning process, with a priority to review the Chapter’s values, mission, and vision. We look forward to the new year, which will include:

  • Refining our Short and Long Range Plans

  • Working to obtain chapter accreditation

  • Delivering a Membership survey

  • Organizing our 2021 AIA Canada Conference

  • The 2021 AIA Canada Design Awards

  • Seeking Volunteer Members to fill the Chapter Committees

  • Reviewing the By-laws

  • 2021 Elections.