Caitlin Mueller


PhD, Associate Professor, MIT, Department of Architecture and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Caitlin Mueller is an academic who works at the intersection of architecture and structural engineering. She is currently an Associate Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Department of Architecture and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, in the Building Technology Program, where she leads the Digital Structures research group. Her research focuses on new computational design and digital fabrication methods for innovative, high-performance architecture in the built environment. In particular, she works both on developing new design techniques and tools, and on applying them to innovative material systems for buildings. Professor Mueller earned a PhD in Building Technology from MIT, a SM in Computation for Design and Optimization from MIT, a MS in Structural Engineering from Stanford University, and a BS in Architecture from MIT, and has practiced at several architecture and engineering firms across the U.S. She has recently contributed to the organization of several major conferences in architecture and engineering, including the 2017 Design Modelling Symposium in Paris, the 2017 ACADIA Conference at MIT, the 2018 Symposium of the International Association of Shell and Spatial Structures at MIT (which she chaired), and the 2021 Advances in Architectural Geometry conference in Paris. With her research group, she regularly publishes and presents her research in peer-reviewed journals, international conferences, and the popular press.

AIA UK - The Enhanced Architect