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City As Verb: Reinventing Paris & Co-urbanism

City As Verb: Reinventing Paris, Co-building the City & Co-urbanism


When: 15 July 2020 at 04:00 (Eastern US Time) / 17:00 (Seoul time)

Where: Seoul Hall of Urbanism and Architecture, 119 Sejong Daero, Jung-gu, Seoul, Seoul/ Online

Youtube [English] live stream:
Youtube [Korean] live stream:

CES Credits: 2 LU HSW

The first of four ‘City as Verb’ seminars hosted by the City of Seoul, acting as a bridge between the 2019 Seoul Biennale Cities Exhibition and its upcoming continuation in 2021. 


Alexandre Labasse, director, Pavillon de l'Arsenal

The "Reinventing Paris" competition rewarded 22 innovative urban and architectural projects in Greater Paris, which have in common the integration of hybrid buildings and green spaces. These winning projects represent many models of the city of the future in terms of architectural design, new attitudes about programming, environmental innovation, and co-construction. The projects were presented as part of the "Reinventing Paris" exhibition at the Pavillon de l'Arsenal.

Laure Gayet and Kelly Ung, co-curators of Co-Urbanism and principles of Atelier Approches

Public spaces co-conception and management, ephemeral equipment support of social activation, foreign universities, non-programmed spaces, co-programming tools, program map, and open conceptions: Our lecture will review some of the tools and approaches analyzed in the exhibition, Co-Urbanism, 21 Collaborative Practices of the City.’ The various approaches demonstrate how the city’s services and functions are co-programmed through collective thinking creating site-specific projects that recognize Paris as a dynamic social and ecological ecosystem.

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